The Tobacco Club Weekly Meeting Schedule

Whether you are considering being smoke-free someday, are nearing your quit day, or have already quit and are working to stay addiction-free, we can support you on your journey.
Remember this is the most powerful addiction humans have ever encountered. Use the like-minded community around you. Attend the group meetings at the Tobacco Club every Tuesday and Thursday. A Friday Night Facebook Group Live is also a good group to attend.

Book your Weekly Group Support Session:
Weekly Group Support Meetings Tuesdays & Thursdays via ZOOM
Weekly Group Meetings Friday evening via Facebook Live

Looking for something more personalized?

We know that in this complicated, fast-paced world we live in, it might become difficult to follow the program on your own.

The Tobacco Club offers a personal service to help you reach your goal such as private sessions with one of our senior counsellors.

Sessions of 50 minutes will include guidance with building your program, but more importantly will deal with personal difficulties you may feel following the program. These counsellors will provide comfort, guidance, and support that cannot be provided by a sponsor. These sessions are also highly confidential and strictly between the counsellor and the participant.

View Private Session Options