Self Assessment

Self Assessment

As smokers, we tend to utilize tobacco smoking as our prime coping tool. We need to identify which core areas of our survival strategy will be significantly impacted by our recovery program and take steps to have a plan ready to deal with these areas.
The number of smokes we inhale is not the real issue. It is our relationship to them that really matters.
By doing this self-assessment, it will arm you in a skillful way to achieve your true goal, to be come a happy non-smoker.

NOTE: If you started before 16 you may have a loss issue in childhood that needs attending to and tobacco is part of your survival strategy.

This information gives you the insight that tobacco smoke is more than a habit, more than an addiction, it is a core coping strategy implemented in childhood.

NOTE: If you smoke within 20 minutes after rising it may be skillful to awaken with high nicotine levels so you will not relapse in the morning. Using a patch 3 hrs before waking will allow for higher nicotine levels and reduce cravings.

This information provides the insight that you cannot afford to rise into the day with deep cravings. You can take this time of day very seriously and build a comprehensive plan to begin your day with calmness.

Do you get up to smoke during the night?
Do other members of your family smoke?
Are you recovering from any other addictions?