Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) programs are available to Canadian residents and vary depending on the province you reside.

Nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) is the most commonly used family of quit smoking medications. NRT reduces withdrawal feelings by giving you a small, controlled amount of nicotine but none of the other dangerous chemicals found in cigarettes. This small amount of nicotine helps satisfy your craving for nicotine and reduces the urge to smoke. 

Doctors and other medical experts think NRT is the one of the most helpful tools smokers can use to quit. Some smokers have mild to moderate side effects. However, research shows that NRT is safe and effective. NRT can be an important part of almost every smoker’s quit smoking strategy.

NRT comes in a variety of forms that are used in different ways. You can choose which forms you like best. Some NRT products work better than others for some people. Some people might prefer certain NRT products instead of others.

NRT can’t do all the work. It can help with withdrawal and cravings, but it won’t completely take away the urge to smoke. Even if you use NRT to help you stop smoking, quitting can still be hard.

Combining NRT with the Tobacco Club strategy can improve your chances of quitting and staying quit. Your personalized quit plan can help you find tools and strategies that work together to help you quit and stay quit. It can also help you to stay focused, confident, and motivated to quit.

Canadian resident can benefit from Provincial Program and be provided with free and/or low cost NRT. If you prefer not to participate in the provincial programs you can buy your NRT here.

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Summary of Provincial programs that offer NRT at a limited cost:


STOP on the Net is an online smoking cessation program, available to adults in Ontario interested in quitting tobacco cigarette smoking. Eligible participants will receive a free 8-week kit of nicotine replacement therapy mailed directly to their address! Learn more and enroll online by visiting

STOP on the Net is an initiative of the Smoking Treatment for Ontario Patients (STOP) program and is funded by the Ontario Ministry of Health.

  • You can receive free nicotine patches and gum/lozenges mailed right to you! Enough medication for 8 weeks of treatment
  • You may be eligible to participate if you:
    • Live in Ontario
    • Are 18 years of age or older
    • Meet other specific eligibility criteria


Each calendar year, eligible BC residents can receive up to a three month supply of nicotine gum, patches, or lozenges through the  BC Smoking Cessation Program. You do not need to be signed up for Fair PharmaCare, but you do need to be enrolled in MSP. 

How to access NRT: 

Visit your local pharmacy and bring your medical services card. You and the pharmacist must both sign a declaration form. You do not need a prescription, and you can likely get NRTs the same day.  

You can get a 4-week (28-day) supply of one NRT product at a time. During the 12-week course of treatment, you can get three 4-week refills. If you started with one NRT product and want to switch to a different NRT product, you can request this at your pharmacy when you go back for your next refill. 

A note on coverage

Each calendar year (January to December), you can receive one continuous course of either treatment (NRT or prescriptions) of up to 12 weeks (84 days). You will get a month’s supply at a time. The 12 weeks of treatment begin when you fill your first prescription or pick up your first NRT product.

After your first dispense, you have 84 days to request all your remaining prescription or NRT supplies. After that, you will have to wait until the next calendar year before PharmaCare will provide coverage. 

Additionally, if you miss or skip a month during the 84-day period, you will not be able to pick up your remaining supply and will have to wait until the next calendar year to re-start your coverage. 


TREATMENT OPTION 1: Non-Prescription Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) Products.

Once per year, eligible PEI residents can receive a single continuous course (12 weeks in a row) of one NRT product.

  1. Make an appointment with a nurse at your nearest Primary Care Network office to discuss how ready you are to quit smoking and the supports available to you.
  2. At your appointment, a nurse will go over the program intake form with you. The intake asks questions about how ready you are to quit smoking and your tobacco use. The intake also lays out a Cessation Action Plan, which describes the recommended treatment to help you quit.
  3. Based on your medical history and past quit attempts, the nurse may suggest that you try an NRT product.
  4. The nurse will review the guidelines of the PEI Smoking Cessation Program with you; both you and the nurse will sign the intake form.
  5. You will take the Cessation Action Plan to your local pharmacy to pick up your NRT product.

NOTE: NRT products are available without a prescription. However, you must first see a nurse in your local Primary Care Network to enroll in the PEI Smoking Cessation Program and to determine whether these products are the best choice for you