
Finding a good Sponsor is a key, effective strategy to recovery.

Sponsors tend to be recovering folks themselves with more time in recovery than you. They are committed to sharing their insights and understandings with you by way of supporting you and receive tremendous motivation from helping others.

The selection of your sponsor is a very important decision, here are some points to consider in finding a sponsor.

Your potential sponsor should:

  1. Be a recovered smoker who cares for you.
  2. Be a good listener
  3. Be available
  4. Share his experience
  5. Demonstrate from his own action the tools for survival

Where to find a sponsor?

Your sponsor could be:

1. A family member
2. A friend
3. A neighbor
4. A co-worker

Becoming a Sponsor

A sponsor is a recovered smoker who cares for you but has enough detachment, to not only help you, but allow you to find your own unique way.

Recovery implies an ever increasingly healthy re- lationship with our own true identity and an open hearted sponsor can be an invaluable asset in this

Notes to a Sponsor

1. Be a good listener
2. Do not give advice.
3. Share your own experience as a way of guiding your friend.
4. Be available.
5. Demonstrate by your own actions how to use the new tools for survival.
6. Share quiet times.
7. Be gentle in your approach.

The general principle is to explore recovery themes in each encounter (expressed and unexpressed), relevant to the needs of the newcomer to

Anything that helps is relevant.