Nutrition & Vitamins – Recovery Therapy

Every hit of vaporized nicotine causes a blood sugar spike, which can contribute to the proper conditions for the onset of diabetes and many other disease state conditions, including thickening of the blood, arteriosclerosis, and pulmonary conditions.

Smoking also leads the brain to believe we have just eaten, thus smokers do not eat breakfast or lunch, only to overeat sweets and fatty foods causing a lowered immune response, poor digestion and weight gain.

Recovery therapies are integrated with all nutrition plans combined with vitamins to provide immediate and substantial support to the whole persons physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental health.

Our integrated recovery therapy mission is to:

  • restore depleted nutrients
  • manage blood sugar
  • reduce nicotine cravings
  • help mediate depression
  • achieve maximum nutrient blood levels
  • significantly boost the immune system

These are the main supports that a comprehensive tobacco addiction treatment strategy would employ to raise the recovery to a much higher level making it easier to achieve and maintain.

Major Symptoms

The understanding of inflammation as the prime harmful effect which vaporized nicotine has on the body is a very strong symptom, which demands our immediate attention, as inflammation is a mitigating factor in the onset of chronic health conditions and cancer.
Probiotics and prebiotics can help heal the body and mind in significant ways by rebuilding the microbiome upon which all health depends.

With proper amounts of healthy bacteria lining our colon, we can more efficiently, maintain a healthy metabolism, absorb nutrients, maintain proper bowel motility in order to detoxify, and build a healthy immune system.

Vaporized tobacco causes dopamine release and a rise in serotonin levels, which quickly plunge, to 20% of base needs. This sets up the depression in smokers, which magnifies with each spike in blood nicotine levels.

Vitamin D3 can help in rebuilding a calm balanced mood, lessening the hold depression has on us and helps manage this major impactful symptom.

Every puff of vaporized nicotine causes the panic and anxiety center of the brain to react and activate. Quitting smoking is the number one strategy to reduce anxiety.

A balanced diet and supplements like Omega 3 essential fatty acid (EFA) can help calm and heal the brain. The brain is largely made of DHA (a component of EFA.)

Every hit of vaporized nicotine causes a blood sugar spike setting up perfect conditions for diabetes and many other disease state conditions. It also leads the brain to believe we have just eaten. Thus we smokers do not eat breakfast or lunch, only to overeat sweet and fatty foods causing a lowered immune response, poor digestion and weight gain.

Regular evenly spaced small meals, helps to maintain blood sugar levels and nutrient balance, improving immune system functioning. Increasing antioxidant levels aids in repairing damage done to the body from smoking and interrupting the onset of chronic illness, supporting liver health during the detox process.

Sleep patterns as a result of the triggered conditions described above become irregular. When these therapies and supplements are combined they give us more tools to help heal the core elements of our addiction together. Sleep does improve.

Smoking increases the risk of liver cancer and cirrhosis of the liver. The over 7000 chemicals in tobacco can lead to chronic illness in the liver, which in turn causes a dysfunction in the body’s main detoxification system.

N acetyl cysteine (NAC) helps in the process of making glutathione in the liver. NAC can help support the liver by decreasing oxidative stress, reducing inflammation and preventing the destruction of normal liver cells while destroying unhealthy liver cells.

Nutritional Supplements

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View our Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) products