The Tobacco Club Member Portal

Welcome to your membership home page,  [MM_Member_Data name=’firstName’]!   This will be your area for all the resources you need on your journey to becoming smoke-free.

The various sections outlined below will help guide you though the process! You can follow in order or join each step as you wish at your own pace.

Watch this introductory video on the Nature of Addiction

The following steps and resources will guide you to a tobacco free life.

Go to the first section GETTING STARTED to book you meetings, better understand the nature of your addiction and guide you though to the next stepsl  You can follow at your own pace.

1. Getting Started

Book your weekly sessions and begin to learn more about your addiction to tobacco?
We begin to develop your Detox Strategy and get your Nicotine Replacement Plan in place as well as a nutritional supplement plan to help build back our overall health.
Go to “Getting Started” Section

2. Getting You to know You

Setting up your Personal Profile
This section will help us to better understand the root issues surrounding tobacco addiction. We will begin to understand that tobacco use becomes a childhood brain disease, which embeds a neural pathway in our brain. It cannot be undone, but it can be put to sleep.
Go to “Personal Profile” Section

3. Building Your Recovery Plan

We build our overall recovery plan. There are guides on this platform to accomplish this task.
We build our support network, who we can count on for 90 to 100 days, who will be there for us without judgment.
We then we build our action plan, the most effective way to guide and maintain our recovery.
Go to “Recovery/Action Plan” Section

6. Build an Action Plan

The matrix you work on in this section will be helpful in preparing your new daily plan.
This exercise is designed to make you aware of the areas in your life which represent a true threat to your recovery.
Once armed with this insight you can take an action step to counteract the danger zones and remain tobacco free.
Go to Action Plan section

5. Do not judge yourself.

Remember this is the most powerful addiction humans have ever encountered. Use the like-minded community around you. Attend the group meetings at the Tobacco Club every Tuesday and Thursday. A Friday Night Facebook Group Live is also a good group to attend.

4. Relapse is a Big Part of Recovery

If we relapse we do not see it as a sign of failure.
We see it as an opportunity to make adjustments in our action plan and get right back on the horse and continue tp ride to our own freedom.
Do not become discouraged if you relapse. Maintain your goal of freedom and keep working towards that stage of being.
Go to “Relapse & Recovery” Section

7. Get a good sponsor

Getting a good sponsor is an important part to recovery.
Sponsors tend to be recovering folks themselves with more time in recovery than you. They are committed to sharing their insights and understandings with you by way of supporting you and receive tremendous motivation from helping others. Here are some tips on finding the right one for you.

8. Use the Tobacco Club Tools

Our daily emails are provided to inspire each day. This website also provides tools, videos, tasks and exercises for you to become free as you encounter the waves of resistance within and around you.
The Recovery Planner is also an invaluable tool to prepare your overall recovery plan and action plan.
Go to “Member Toolbox” Section

9. Nutrition Planning

Our immune systems are not strong and we recommend a nutrition plan. When a smoker inhales vaporized nicotine the brain thinks we have just eaten because our blood sugar rises. Thus we do not eat breakfast or even lunch. We provide a number of nutritional supplements to make it much easier to develop a strong immune system and keep out blood sugar in balance.
Go to “Nutrition/Recovery” Section

Checklists to detail your progress

Not too close and not too far away.
Get your Nicotine Replacement Strategy in place as well as a nutritional supplement plan to help build back our overall health.